Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cathay Pacific Airlines - Fantastic!

 First of all, at bike check-in, the attendants at Pearson took our word on the weight of our bike boxes. There was no charge to bring our bikes to Perth, via Hong Kong. Last year, on Air Canada, it cost us $150 each bike, each way, a total of $600. So if you're bringing a bike anywhere, check for a Cathay flight. As well, we could bring our bags free, a second piece of luggage.
lunch was a shrimp cocktail, beef stir fry and rice on the side, 2 glasses of good red wine at no charge, followed by a Haugin Daus ice cream bar. Then about 6 hours into the flight to HK, came another meal and more free wine. and that's Economy Class!
One can't help but notice that all the attendants are under 30ish beauty  contestants. I guess they have no particular rules to follow regarding employee selection.

Hong Kong airport was our one stop-over.

 I did a little walking outside. We stayed at the Airport Marriot as we had an 18 hour stopover. That broke the flight up nicely.
The weather at Hong Hong territories was in the low 20's, ideal for riding. However, I'm thinking that although I wanted to ride the mountains of Hong Kong, it isn't going to happen. If you look closely, those buildings in the haze, are HK city buildings, a few k's from the airport. I waited until 2 in the afternoon to take this shot, hoping the fog would clear. I then realized it was pollution drifting in from China and it was never going to clear.

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