Monday, December 2, 2013

Winter Training Rides

Is it winter yet? Sure feels like it. Riding at this time of the year is not so tough, once you get out there. Trick is to convince yourself that it's just a bit colder than normal and that this can be made up for by additional clothing.

I turned 65 recently. During the next 365 days, I will be riding a few extra K's in order to celebrate my 65th.

for example, here's a route around the city that will give you 6 escarpment climbs . . . 

Winter Riding scenes:
There is a great way to go from Hamilton to Caledonia and it's called the Chippewa Rail Trail. Here in Caledonia ON, the Canada Geese were getting in formation for the trip south - the direction we should be heading.

My True North chain-less bike has been getting a lot of use for winter riding. It's much more stable than my carbon fiber framed bike.

The Escarpment Rail Trail is open to some degree during the winter months.

The Rohloff internal hub gears and the Gates carbon fiber belt drive of my True North bike are truly winter beaters. The True North has absolutely no problem in the snow and it's easier to shift gears with mitten covered hands.

Overlooking Hamilton from the Escarpment Rail Trail.

An early morning view of Hamilton from York Blvd, exactly on the other side of Hamilton from the rail trail.

Mother Nature decorates many trees for Christmas. You'll see them if you get out of your car and walk or ride around the countryside.


  1. Good stuff but I don't think I'll join in the cold brrrrrrrrrrrrr

  2. But do you have snow tires on the bike? I will stick with walking, for now, Bllue and I did a walk at Holiday Beach, crazy fee of 10$ to get in even in winter, but I park at the entrance and walk in!
