Sunday, January 19, 2014

 We've been in Perth for 5 oor 6 days now, riding the many bike paths. This is one of the main paths, but most paths are of this condition. This path takes us along the Swan river which passes along Perth.We've done a route of 60 km just by circling along the N and shores of the river. It is possible to do at least a 200 km ride and never get off paths.
 The Bike Paths are just unbelievable. They are full of cyclists going to work on weekday mornings and they're moving pretty fast so you need to be sure to stay on your side of the path. On Saturday moning we headed S along a path towards Mandurah. We were amazed at the numbers of people out riding. I can only say it was maybe 500 riders that were coming along the path in a stretch of about an hour.
 The Swan river in front of Perth is huge. Yesterday, Sunday, there were hundreds of sail boats, cruise boats and personal watercraft just covering the river.
One of our favorite rides is a loop where we go along the Swan river in front of Perth, cross a bridge to the other side where we again follow a path with views of Perth. Then we carry along through a park on a winding path until we cross the river, back into Perth. This we sometimes do at the end of a regular ride, just to add another dozen k's to the GPS's.

Tomorrow we grab a Bus ride down to Albany and then ride around Albany for several days. We had not planned to go there so soon, but it looks like the temperature there is about 10 degrees C cooler than Perth. During my last 360 k over three days, the temperature on the hi-tech GPS hit 45 degrees every day.
More photos from Albany in a few days. Once we're out in the countryside we'll have more wildlife shots, although there are flocks of white cockatoos in the town parks here.

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