Friday, July 19, 2013

Heat, heat and more heat!

Shirley protested on the first morning, Our routine for the next few week's riding is to roll out of the tent at around 5:30 (sometime I take pity and let Shirley sleep until 5:40). Then we're eating our oatmeal (no wonder we feel like mules with these loaded bikes) and we hit the pavement just before sunrise.

Shirley now gets it. When we roll into town, finished our riding, at early afternoon, the Local bank signs say about 99 to 102 degrees F. Thankfully the timing has been such that the majority of uphill has been accomplished early.

This afternoon, after we stopped, there was a terrific thunderstorm accompanied by heavy rain. We met a young guy rider from Germany near the end of today's ride. He was just setting out into the storm. It's not worth it to sleep in.

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