Friday, July 19, 2013

Daniel Boone Country

 Now I do not know why, but we felt that our 'wild camping' would definitely improve from this.

It's all about Daniel Boone here southeast of Lexington KY. But today's Boone, although they are the most friendly people we've met in USA, are not far from wearing Coon hats. This morning over a 5:30 am breakfast, I read the Booneville, KY Journal Headlines. "Booneville Women most obese in entire USA."

But where can you find this: 3 Drivers who were parked over the bike lane backed up to clear the way as we approached. As we opened our map to find a street in Richmond, KY, a driver pulled up to offer help. In a Booneville library, they allowed me to sit at a computer for 2 hours to dowloada map to my GPS.

Everywhere are signs of poverty. I'd say 75% of rural homes are trailers. Consequently restaurants and stores cannot ask high prices. Eggs and toast at the Booneville diner was $1.10. Add in coffee or tea for an extra 60 cents.

We camped free for the last 2 nights. Courtesy of the Booneville Presbyterian church, we were even provided showers. This was the first time I ever saw a fan suspended over a sheltered picnic table - that's luxury!
We even had trains to ride when we camped for free here in the Council VA county park.

1 comment:

  1. hey if you tipped them, 5$' That would make their day, we are spoiled here for sure,! impressive riding. happy honeymoon! Sis T.
