Friday, March 8, 2013

Screwed By Canada Trust

This fellow may not have been screwed over by Canada Trust.

On the other hand, like us, he might have been screwed over?
Between Shirley and myself, we have about 6 bank cards and CT Visa cards. Only one works and only occasionally. Here in Sydney on the last days of our vacation, we expected to have a good time. However, we have spent at least 2 days e-mailing Canada Tust using the "Contacts" link on there electronic banking site - they have not naswered us in the three days since then. A manager that we can contact by e-mail gave us a collect call number for CT, but it would not work.

If you are out of the country, forget about using the Toll Free number on the back of your CT Visa.

Luckily, one Visa card that I have still let us get Cash out - otherwise we'ed be like the guy in this photo.

I'll sure be getting an account at another bank or two before travelling far next @?%^&$%#!@!! trip@!

1 comment:

  1. I've had my bank and credit cards fail in the wilds of Mexico. And true, 1-800 numbers are domestic only. Best bet, call directly using Skype and talk to a real human. It's worth having an account for just such emergencies, and is available as an Android and iOS app.
